AI has been a “hot” topic for about 2-3 years, ever since ChatGPT broke the internet lol, everything has been wrapped with AI. From couple years ago, there have been things claimed to be with AI, but they are not lol.

Is AI actually helping us or is it adding more trouble?

To answer that question, let’s go back and dig into what is AI.

You probably already hear the word AI have been throwing around a lot with machine learning, they go hand in hand. The driving force for both are database behind, think of AI as a human being, the database is just like your brain, imagine now you are 2 years old, and you are learning English, you would start with A, B, C, D, E…. and then learn words like Apple, Desk, Chair…. then trying to connect them together, then you can speak the language. It is exactly the same way for AI, just they “learn” things a lot faster than us, haha, cause you just save it to the database. Then it use an algorithm developed by human to express back out, then that’s generative ai, it helps generate things. Depends on the data, the algorithm can also predict what will happen, then that’s predictive ai.

I have seen couple sessions online with the title as “You can use AI to earn X income”, then they talk about use ChatGPT to write a book, and put it on Amazon, but I feel like they missed a thing there… yes, you can put out a book like that, but will anyone buy it??? Their key is “if you want to learn more on how you can use AI to earn more passive income, you can take my classes…” hahah. I mean who doesn’t like money.

On Linkedin, there are also posts like “10 AI tools to help you get a job”, I mean sure, the tools are there, but maybe I am more interested in actually how many people used those tools to get a job? Different job, may require you to put out different resumes. What I think AI can help is to summarize the job description page, and pick out the key information for you, then you can modify your resume to be as close as their requirement.

As for where do I think AI is? I personally think it is to the level that we all need to learn how to live with it. As a developer, your focus may no longer be writing code, but figure out the est algorithm to help you with the code, please keep in mind though the generated code may or may not be correct, you will need to put in time and effort to train it as much as possible. At the moment, we are at the reactive and limited memory stage, it is getting into the theory of mind. As when will AI to be self-aware, I personally feel like it will take some time. Also the part that I still have a hard time is how will the machine know feeling, it can learn what feelings are, but how can a program actually feel something? Maybe thorugh Neural Networks? Maybe through NN, we can put chemicals into a machine, and the machine can actual feel something one day? BCI can translate the brain signal to something, but how can feeling be registered into a machine?

With the technology advances more and more, you never know what will happen, maybe, just maybe, one day, the things in Altered Carbon will actually happen! Honestly though, to me, I more would like to see the Star Trek’s Transporters to be a reality, so that we can travel way easier, although it might be a chance of some parts of you being transported to a whole different place, lol.